I had the most amazing time doing a dental presentation to the best audience ever…to preschoolers!
In our efforts to connect with the international community in Tokyo, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interact with 2 classes of preschoolers at the Mitsui Gardens International Preschool.
The adorable children listened intently as I explained the importance of brushing their teeth and making sure to not eat too much candy.
At our clinic we welcome patients of all ages, so we encourage you to drop by and get a head start on your child’s dental care.
東京でinternational communityとつながる取り組みの一環として、Mitsui Gardens International Preschool の3歳から5歳までの2クラスの子供たちと交流する機会に恵まれました。
MY Dental Office Kojimachi
院長 南有希子
© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町
日付: 2023年10月13日 カテゴリ:お知らせ